Sunday, March 11, 2007

Views around Bristol 03.03.07

River Avon

We went for a walk through the eastern suburbs of Bristol to see a new part of Bristol.

Tight packed homes in Bristol suburbia

On the way we enjoyed views along the River Avon, where some locals were fishing. Not sure if they caught anything but the swans were also here waiting for a free feed.

River Avon

River Avon

Swans on the River Banks

On our way back into Bristol, we finally made it to St Mary's Church, which is located only 100m from our apartment. We had been planning on seeing this Church wince we arrived last year, but only got around to it now.

St Mary's Church

The Church is almost 900 years old. The inner porch and base of the tower are the only remaining original sections of the building that remain when the land and building were given to the church group by King Henry the 1st. Most of the church as it stands today has been there since the 15th century.

The size of the Church is a reflection of the wealth in Bristol during its time as the major shipping port in the United Kingdom. With high levels of trade, generous donations were received to aid in the Church's construction and maintenance over the years.

It is noted within the Church near the donation boxes that St Mary's Church now requires 2000 pounds a day just to keep it maintained.

Further information on the Church can be found at:

Views inside the Church

Stained Glass Windows

Internal Roof Structure

Lady Chapel

Pipe Organs

St Mary's from the rear gardens

The Church is a great landmark for Bristol, and a must see for any visitors to the area. We are fortunate enough to be able to see the steeple of 86m in height from our apartment, and the large bells are always being played during the week, often for up to an hour as it is practiced by the bell ringers to perfect their timing.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

hahaha you finally made the 100m down the road to see the church. Its well worth the trip though. The walk along the river looks cool as well. I think I remember that area from the booze cruise last summer.