Tuesday, January 23, 2007

Bristol Cathedral

We ventured into Central Bristol on Saturday for a walk to see the city during the colder months. We headed through Queens Square and towards the Bristol Cathedral. The site has had a Church of some description on it for over 1000 years, and the current Abbey was founded in 1140, and has since been extended, towers added, etc, since that time.

View from the rear steps

Sunset Views

View from the adjacent Council Building

Local teenagers just hanging out

For more info on the Cathedral and its history visit:

The clouds and sunset provided an orange tint to the Cathedral, and really made it stand out as the evening drew in.

The local teenagers of Bristol seem to gather in this area also, and on weekends, you can find them skateboarding, etc at this location.

On our way back home via the Corn St markets, we saw one of the three wheeled cars made famous by Mr Bean!

Next Weekend - Manchester...


Anonymous said...

Yes I love the reliant robin. Such a funny looking car. They even made a limo out of one at one time.


Perhaps we should buy one and take a road trip somewhere in it....hahahaha.

Anonymous said...

Hey Man,

Good to see you got out of Britian and into the rest of Europe, go somewhere warm Man!

Switzerland looked the bomb. Nice.

