Wednesday, December 06, 2006

Bath - Evening Treasure Hunt

The local Institute of Civil Engineers organised a Treasure Hunt night through the streets of Bath on Tuesday Night (05.12.06). Unfortunately Nada could not make it due to work, however I attended along some workmates and their partners.

Moonlit night

We started the night off with a local kebab (or yiros for those back in oz!), with chilli sauce instead of garlic sauce, and plenty of salad and onions to go with the meat.

On the way to the Kebab Sop, we walked through the centre of town and found a large number of Christmas Markets set up along the cobble stoned footpaths, selling locally produced goods, food, etc.

Christmas Markets Stalls

A group of locals were also singing Christmas Carols outside the old Abbey, which you may have seen photos of previously during the day from our last Bath Trip.

The Abbey at night is really well lit, and the Photos don't do it justice, but I have included some for you to decide yourself.

The Abbey at night

More of the Abbey

And more...

Straight after dinner we met the 'Hunt Leader' at the All for One pub, and received our instructions/directions for the treasure hunt. Essentially it was a list of questions you had to answer with the solutions being along particular streets throughout the city centre. Questions were usually based on building or street names, etc.

Of course there were plenty of pubs on the way, but we only dropped into a couple along the way to warm up (it was quite windy, so there was definitely a high wind chill factor!) and enjoy a pint or three.

One of the challenges was to get a photo of a nativity scene, we thought this one would do nicely.

Nativity Scene in Shop Window

The event was not well attended, however 6 teams did turned up for the night, and we finished 3rd at the end of evening. At the end we were given a bonus question list which comprised of naming all the James Bond movies in the correct order. We managed all the right movie titles, but did not get all the movies in the correct order.

The Gang - (From left) Dave, Helen, Phil, Mari, Nick and Brad

Phil and I indulged in a few games of Foosball at the Second Pub, where I lost 2-0, and was totally outplayed.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Brilliant night out. We really should have sung the christmas carol in the market for the extra points but thats alright. Not sure how to split the prize (one bottle of champange) among 6 of us though.

We need to find a good place in Bristol to play a little foosball on lunch hours while downing a pint or two. Although that could be dangerous. I have serious doubts we would make it back to work for the afternoon.